Sunday, August 26, 2012

Pray In Everything

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21

Have you ever started out doing what you thought you should be doing only to be thwarted at every turn? What was God doing? Why was He allowing all these roadblocks and difficulties? Didn't He know how hard you were working at doing all this for Him?

How many times do we start out on a path we think is right, only to find that this was not really God's will for us in the first place? I know I have a very bad habit of doing something before checking with God. A little time in prayer before I began a project might have saved me oodles and boodles of time and wasted effort. Truth is, prayer is the first thing I should have done and is often one of the last I get around to when I reach a rough spot.

Not every thing I do may really need His approval; laundry, sweeping, sleeping, cleaning, driving, and so on. These are mundane tasks that He knows needs to be done. But would they not probably be easier and less frazzled if we prayed for God's direction and strength in our everyday tasks. He does care about those tasks as well as the bigger ones, such as what college to attend, what degree to major in, what jobs to apply for, who to marry, should we have kids or wait, what mission trips to go on or to sponsor, or how to help that pesky neighbor in God's way? These are the bigger questions and certainly need prayer before embarking on them, but we need to pray about our everyday lives and our every day mistakes as well, for He wants to be there for them too.

So remember each day, no matter how hum drum the day's tasks, to stop first and pray for God's guidance, protection, forgiveness, and strength for this day. You may just find your days going a lot smoother and, at the very least, with the grace of God to reach tomorrow.

God bless, and pray before you plan. Amen.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Well Come

Greetings and well come to my new blog. 
                    (The appropriate response is well met.)

I am hoping that this is the beginning of many new things. 

On this blog, I will be writing about writing, about working, about family, and most importantly about God. 

Somewhere interspersed here and there will be a wealth of information on anything I happen to be researching as well. I will also be posting some of this on my website too. 

This is my second website and I expect I will learn quite a bit as I go, so I do hope you will have patience with me and come back often to see the changes going on.

God bless and good journey.